from nbdev import export2html
from fastai2.basics import *
from import *
db=DataBlock((ImageBlock, CategoryBlock), get_items=get_image_files, splitter=GrandparentSplitter(valid_name='val'),

FP32 Training

We start with a normal fp32 trained model as a baseline.

(0.0015848932787775993, 7.585775847473997e-07)
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.651336 2.056535 01:32
1 2.355040 2.005668 01:33
2 1.932189 1.904302 01:33
3 1.597234 11.361675 01:33
4 1.417671 1.946748 01:33
5 1.845148 14.619100 01:33
6 1.722217 3.752728 01:33
7 1.463190 1.973663 01:34
8 1.256870 1.894250 01:33
9 1.120424 2.125210 01:34
10 0.985170 1.701216 01:34
11 0.905693 1.357060 01:34
12 0.827493 0.917599 01:34
13 0.760628 0.794275 01:34
14 0.706049 0.966785 01:34
15 0.672275 0.784713 01:34
16 0.624744 1.014771 01:34
17 0.555164 0.583922 01:34
18 0.504771 0.766427 01:34
19 0.486427 0.609142 01:34
20 0.437780 0.533482 01:34
21 0.411537 0.425947 01:34
22 0.363749 0.550511 01:34
23 0.354133 0.402780 01:34
24 0.296108 0.394826 01:35
25 0.288457 0.379434 01:34
26 0.280953 0.379418 01:34
27 0.264525 0.366601 01:34
28 0.252890 0.366681 01:34
29 0.244159 0.364107 01:34
del learner


This is a purely trained fp16 model, and this isn't really done.

class MixedPrecision(Callback):
    "Run training in mixed precision"
    run_before = Recorder

    def __init__(self):
        assert torch.backends.cudnn.enabled, "Mixed precision training requires cudnn."

    def begin_batch(self): self.learn.xb = to_half(self.xb)
    def after_batch(self): self.learn.loss = to_float(self.learn.loss)
class ModelToHalf(Callback):
    "Use with MixedPrecision callback (but it needs to run at the very beginning)"
    def begin_fit(self): self.learn.model = self.model.half() 
    def after_fit(self): self.learn.model = self.model.float() #convert back to float, for saving and such
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.771560 2.216975 01:08
1 2.476073 2.158066 01:05
2 2.018307 1.633934 01:05
3 1.684251 1.469444 01:05
4 1.457907 nan 01:05
5 1.428203 1.248842 01:05
6 1.536437 3.168239 01:05
7 1.225266 1.096525 01:05
8 1.103817 1.346189 01:05
9 0.969087 1.327698 01:05
10 0.868427 1.027902 01:05
11 0.785972 1.644904 01:04
12 0.724989 1.882721 01:05
13 0.677303 0.913675 01:05
14 0.621354 0.907284 01:04
15 0.583794 0.668342 01:05
16 0.539824 1.777023 01:04
17 0.486352 0.597984 01:04
18 0.448464 1.210160 01:04
19 0.410327 0.628322 01:04
20 0.390925 0.589199 01:04
21 0.358350 0.448581 01:05
22 0.329511 0.430788 01:04
23 0.292921 0.467403 01:05
24 0.274056 0.421481 01:05
25 0.237699 0.403993 01:05
26 0.226854 0.395099 01:05
27 0.231199 0.392145 01:05
28 0.222327 0.391661 01:05
29 0.220277 0.392155 01:05
del learner

FP16 with FP32 BatchNorm

We now use ModelToHalf from fastai2, the convert_network function converts it to a specfic data type without converting batchnorm.

del ModelToHalf
#reimporting ModelToHalf from fastai2
from import *
class MixedPrecision(Callback):
    "Run training in mixed precision"
    run_before = Recorder

    def __init__(self):
        assert torch.backends.cudnn.enabled, "Mixed precision training requires cudnn."

    def begin_batch(self): self.learn.xb = to_half(self.xb)
    def after_batch(self): self.learn.loss = to_float(self.learn.loss)
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.676094 2.062241 01:02
1 2.394882 2.239057 01:02
2 2.002832 1.627104 01:03
3 1.757027 1.800131 01:02
4 1.429366 3.083183 01:02
5 1.479008 4.834050 01:02
6 1.459492 1.715717 01:02
7 1.335028 1.120237 01:02
8 1.188040 1.130354 01:02
9 0.991492 1.022801 01:02
10 0.864592 1.437108 01:02
11 0.796745 0.886712 01:02
12 0.723405 0.980490 01:02
13 0.682777 0.801665 01:02
14 0.618106 0.826624 01:02
15 0.580326 0.619600 01:02
16 0.558647 0.959586 01:02
17 0.504328 3.640037 01:02
18 0.460288 0.511587 01:02
19 0.419463 0.492790 01:03
20 0.401901 0.803859 01:02
21 0.355560 0.455122 01:02
22 0.318891 0.428618 01:02
23 0.290560 0.404963 01:02
24 0.269655 0.456370 01:02
25 0.242815 0.396282 01:03
26 0.236340 0.376630 01:02
27 0.233574 0.381232 01:02
28 0.220733 0.376414 01:02
29 0.223098 0.378601 01:02
del learner

FP16 with loss in fp32

class MixedPrecision(Callback):
    "Run training in mixed precision"
    toward_end = True

    def __init__(self):
        assert torch.backends.cudnn.enabled, "Mixed precision training requires cudnn."

    def begin_batch(self): self.learn.xb = to_half(self.xb)
    def after_pred(self): self.learn.pred = to_float(self.pred)
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.656821 2.037143 01:02
1 2.375797 1.916572 01:03
2 2.028292 1.720190 01:03
3 1.701117 1.807122 01:03
4 1.499982 2.164554 01:03
5 1.584262 1.594690 01:02
6 1.310206 1.201177 01:02
7 1.285866 6.326769 01:03
8 1.195278 2.182448 01:02
9 1.027358 1.015578 01:02
10 0.937293 0.922560 01:02
11 0.843483 1.100431 01:02
12 0.765530 1.015288 01:02
13 0.717502 0.840533 01:03
14 0.686295 1.225734 01:02
15 0.615597 0.854381 01:02
16 0.556095 0.558067 01:02
17 0.528304 1.195737 01:02
18 0.495503 0.668504 01:02
19 0.457330 0.541667 01:02
20 0.418028 1.149197 01:02
21 0.369291 0.504387 01:03
22 0.338492 0.522376 01:02
23 0.316736 0.404864 01:02
24 0.277326 0.405616 01:02
25 0.273004 0.402565 01:03
26 0.244644 0.393408 01:03
27 0.229975 0.391603 01:02
28 0.224649 0.389079 01:02
29 0.237047 0.389761 01:02
del learner
del MixedPrecision

fp16 with loss in fp32, with loss scale without fp32 accumulate

class MixedPrecision(Callback):
    "Run training in mixed precision"

    def __init__(self, loss_scale=512, flat_master=False, dynamic=True, max_loss_scale=2.**24,
                 div_factor=2., scale_wait=500, clip=None):
        assert torch.backends.cudnn.enabled, "Mixed precision training requires cudnn."
        self.flat_master,self.dynamic,self.max_loss_scale = flat_master,dynamic,max_loss_scale
        self.div_factor,self.scale_wait,self.clip = div_factor,scale_wait,clip
        self.loss_scale = max_loss_scale if dynamic else loss_scale

    def begin_fit(self):
        if self.learn.opt is None: self.learn.create_opt()
        self.model_pgs,_ = get_master(self.opt, self.flat_master)
        self.old_pgs = self.opt.param_groups
        #Changes the optimizer so that the optimization step is done in FP32.
        if self.dynamic: self.count = 0

    def begin_batch(self): self.learn.xb = to_half(self.xb)
    def after_pred(self): self.learn.pred = to_float(self.pred)
    def after_loss(self):
        if self.learn.loss *= self.loss_scale

    def after_backward(self):
        self.learn.loss /= self.loss_scale #To record the real loss
        #First, check for an overflow
        if self.dynamic and grad_overflow(self.model_pgs):
            self.loss_scale /= self.div_factor
            raise CancelBatchException() #skip step and zero_grad

        for params in self.model_pgs:
            for param in params:
                if param.grad is not None: param.grad.div_(self.loss_scale)
        #Check if it's been long enough without overflow
        if self.clip is not None:
            for group in self.model_pgs: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(group, self.clip)
        if self.dynamic:
            self.count += 1
            if self.count == self.scale_wait:
                self.count = 0
                self.loss_scale *= self.div_factor

    def after_step(self):
        self.model.zero_grad() #Zero the gradients of the model manually (optimizer disconnected)

    def after_fit(self):
        self.learn.opt.param_groups  = self.old_pgs
        delattr(self, "model_pgs")
        delattr(self, "old_pgs")
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.708762 2.261719 01:08
1 2.401522 1.939942 01:10
2 1.998625 2.204348 01:10
3 1.600047 1.737028 01:10
4 1.380643 3.546641 01:10
5 1.532201 3.255549 01:10
6 1.318069 1.603604 01:10
7 1.233026 1.262678 01:10
8 1.016523 1.241237 01:10
9 0.907380 2.354774 01:11
10 0.842147 0.953867 01:10
11 0.756705 1.135527 01:10
12 0.729484 0.750674 01:11
13 0.700462 1.289216 01:10
14 0.617139 0.583479 01:11
15 0.570849 0.880843 01:10
16 0.551235 0.582794 01:10
17 0.480748 0.767345 01:10
18 0.460275 0.978343 01:10
19 0.414565 0.457135 01:10
20 0.378115 0.449951 01:10
21 0.337399 0.486601 01:10
22 0.307479 0.414679 01:10
23 0.298396 0.416613 01:10
24 0.269521 0.396884 01:10
25 0.233148 0.387787 01:10
26 0.243302 0.372072 01:10
27 0.218694 0.371554 01:10
28 0.218254 0.371993 01:10
29 0.218056 0.371956 01:10
del learner
del MixedPrecision

FP16 with loss_scale

from import *
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 2.757428 2.081527 01:12
1 2.353672 2.234412 01:14
2 2.012591 1.837813 01:13
3 1.635887 3.204813 01:14
4 1.531814 1.518298 01:13
5 1.446371 nan 01:14
6 1.498608 2.455172 01:13
7 1.350126 1.248328 01:13
8 1.250748 6.087388 01:13
9 1.085607 5.156849 01:13
10 1.042411 1.595870 01:13
11 0.934609 1.178143 01:13
12 0.805411 0.984007 01:14
13 0.760592 2.332953 01:13
14 0.708662 1.113873 01:13
15 0.641280 0.628776 01:14
16 0.588315 2.150546 01:13
17 0.537062 1.012078 01:13
18 0.507948 0.634026 01:14
19 0.488397 0.671309 01:13
20 0.448709 0.809253 01:14
21 0.393053 0.442282 01:13
22 0.365035 0.425639 01:14
23 0.327412 0.451561 01:13
24 0.328089 0.423867 01:13
25 0.279865 0.396011 01:14
26 0.261059 0.378210 01:13
27 0.260404 0.366170 01:14
28 0.247177 0.362599 01:14
29 0.262104 0.363247 01:14

Reduced range in fp16⁴. Insert Image

As seen about there is a limited range to fp16. fp16 overflow is when your gradients are too big too fit within fp16. Underflow is when fp16 gradients are so close to 0 that they are simply rounded to 0. Overflow and underflow can happen in fp32 as well, but isn't nearly as big of a problem because fp32 is able to "hold" more information. Loss scaling is multiplying our loss by as large a value as possible,which effectively is multiplied by our gradients to keep them within its representable range. This avoids underflow by increasing the gradients, but we need to make sure it is not big enough that it causes an overflow. One technicality to loss scaling is calculating the loss itself in fp32, because calculating a loss includes division and low precision division is very in-precise leading to unstable gradients/training. Another technicality is that the gradients have to be divided by the loss scale, to keep the magnitudes consistent with a fp32-bit model, otherwise this would be very similar to simply increasing the learning rate by the loss scale! But, wait a minute… if we divide by the loss scale won't we just run into the underflow issue from before? Your right, we have to have a fp32 copy of the weights as well, so that we can avoid this problem. We copy the scaled gradients over to an fp32 model and then divide by the loss scale there. We then continue the optimization step in fp32.

Batch Size

Batch size is imporant in fp16 training. I found that, the very first convolution layer was very unstable in my training. Increasing the batch size tends to smooth out this first layer's gradients as there are more inputs to the layer.

Limiting Maximum Loss and Differential Loss Functions

I found that is was very important to effectively cap the maximum loss and minimum loss. This becaomes a problem if your model is expected to have very large loss values such as values greater than a magnitude of 100. Generally the loss is positive and relatively small, though in the case of Wasserstein ( loss the loss can take a negative value. For large maximal values I found that differential losses can be very large, especially if your loss functions look something like (1000 x loss1 + loss2). In the case of differential loss functions, I found that I was able to get satisfactory results simply by changing the function to 1000 x tanh(loss1)+loss2. I expect gradient clipping would also be very helpful, but I have not yet experimented with that myself.


In my experience I found normalization to be very important in making sure an architecture performed well in fp16 training. Some architectures with very little normalization I had constant issues with overflowing or underflowing gradients. Introducing Similar normalization layers to those already present in the model gave me similar results to the fp32 models.

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converting: 2020-05-11_FP16.ipynb